Once again on this first day of summer I’m thinking of sister Joan, born on this day, JUNE 21 .

Bottom drawing by Joan I have no details on, but top is her portrait of beloved Roscoe, her last dog (with Pucky) -the sweetest dog ever who I was lucky to care for his last three years

I remember her everyday but this is a special day I share memories of her, once a year.
Joan was multi-talented. Along with music, teaching, English literature and math, She was a talented amateur artist and I’m hoping to scan and share some more of her artwork soon in these pages and on website . We shared a lot of similarities via bloodlines or otherwise but she was ahead of me in most areas, eg both played piano -she took lessons for about 15 years and we loved the same music, food , movies – you name it, and she was a much better artist.
We always got allergies of the same nature at the same time and were able to share symptoms to make sure they were ONLY allergies. This year I had some real strange allergies (?) and had to go to the doctor instead of asking Joan to make sure they were only allergies since no Joan to compare with. In the past we figured that if both of us had the same thing at the same time they WERE only allergies. (The doctors weren’t even sure about my medical issue this time, so, yes, Joan was a better doctor than the actual doctors in this case). This is just one little vignette that comes to me today – and much of the spring/summer when allergies (or whatever it is) gets bad. Happy Summer to Joan wherever you are and everyone one else.
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Posted on February 14, 2016 by admin