THE PAST WEEKEND MARKED THE 17th Anniversary Passing of my dear sister Joan. As before, I/we like to especially remember Joan and family members on on these days.
From Joan’s (and my) good friend, HELEN:
Some memories about things Joan and I shared: I was active in going to workshops etc at JFK then in aboutrinda and invited Joan to go with me to drum with other drummers. She seemed so excited about drumming and went out and bought a drum for this event. We both had such a good time and did a little drumming after that event. She loved the paintings at the Legion of Honor museum and she drove us to see some French Impressionists. I know she enjoyed surrounding herself with art. A book that stands out is by Clarissa Pinkola Estes, a Jungian analyst and story teller: Women Who Run with the Wolves. Its theme is that both women and Wolves have that deep need for freedom and exploring their inner untamed, unspoiled depths. Estes uses folktales from around the world to explore using this theme of finding power through our creative self and not settling for society’s rules. This book set off many discussions about our wise woman within. She and I both loved travel and she told me about her experiences in Jerusalem. We spent many days at dog park at Pt. Isabel with her dogs Pucky and Roscoe and mine Zuni. We loved to go to the pool and hot tub and had conversations about each others’ lives while sitting at poolside. Joan enjoyed meeting these 2 visiting scholars from Spain who were staying at my house for awhile and asked them about their lives in Barcelona. She was so curious and interested in everyone’s stories. Burt, these are a few of my many memories and they bring back the beauty of Joan and her warmth
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